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An Early Christmas Present For SV Offshore Racing – Speed on the Water

An Early Christmas Present For SV Offshore Racing – Speed on the Water

Like others members of their extended Super Cat-class offshore-racing family, Vinnie and Danielle of the Rollin/SV Offshore Racing have a family of their own—three young ones to be precise. Like Tyler and Lindsey Miller, as well as Myrick and Miss Coil, of the M CON team, they will spend Christmas morning with their children. The upcoming 2024 Super Cat season will be far from their thoughts as they watch their kids turn wrapping-paper into confetti, and they’ll count their blessings as they clean up the mess.

The Diorios received their finest gift of the holiday season before Christmas Day.

But earlier this week, the Diorios, who live in Richfield, Wis., received a photo a via email from a fan. The image was of four Super Cat raceboats—WHM Motorsports, Graydel, M CON and Rollin/SV Offshoredrawn by the couple’s child and taped to a wall in their home.

The Diorio’s posted the image on their Supercat Racing Facebook page yesterday, along with a note to their fellow offshore racers.

“Messages from fans like this will open your eyes— just as this picture does from some very talented SV Offshore Racing fans  who just 7 and 8 years old,” the Diorios wrote in the post. “You never know who’s watching, who we inspire and motivate, who to some we are heroes and some we are villains. Regardless, we are their inspiration to possibly one day, be the next Super Cat team or offshore Racer. They are watching.


“If we just ‘pause’ and see life through eyes of our fans—children, teens and even adults—the world is a happier place,” the post continued. “The sky and the ocean are a little bluer and the grass is possibly a greener, regardless of winning or losing. In the eyes of each of them, each moment is captured and the dreams that we have made become reality in offshore racing become their dreams.”

Pause and see life through eyes of your fans.

On, off or nowhere near an offshore racecouse, advice gets no better.

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