A Bluefin in the Snow
Last week, an extreme low tide hampered the tuna-fishing plans of Joel Bailey and crew out of Ocean City, Maryland, where, for the last few weeks, there’s been a lights-out bite for bluefin. Without that cancellation, the crew might have been less inclined to thread the needle on a tight weather window on Monday, January 6. Despite heavy snowfall, light winds and a calm ocean allowed Bailey and Robert Remo to get Remo’s center console out the inlet and to the tuna.
They hooked up early on a 3-ounce pink/white Wolfpack Tackle Ahi Head with Tail, but the hook pulled. After a couple false alarms from big stripers hitting the tuna gear, another bluefin hit a red/white head with a select ballyhoo, and stayed on long enough for them to throw the harpoon and secure the catch. After that, the crew headed home to warm up, but not before getting some epic photos of a bluefin on a snow-covered dock.
Safe to say, the 2025 season is off to a wild start.
Source: https://onthewater.com/a-bluefin-in-the-snow
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