Walloon Yacht Club Celebrates 90th Anniversary of 17-Square-Meter Sailboats

This summer marks the 90th anniversary of the 17-square-meter sailboats first made in Walloon Lake, Michigan in 1934, and to celebrate the Walloon Yacht Club and Walloon 17 Foundation organized a series of fun public events.
The festivities started July 17, 2024 with a sail around the Village to Michigania, and continue Saturday, August 3 at 2pm with a 17 regatta at The Foot of Walloon Lake during the annual Walloon Woodies. Saturday, August 17 at 2pm features a Media Race around The Foot of Walloon Lake. The public can also enjoy an exhibit at the Crooked Tree District Library in Walloon Lake throughout the summer that shares the story of the 17s.
The first 17 was built in the winter of 1933-34 by Bill Loughlin and Henry Cawthra on Walloon, and she once again sails the lake today after a renovation. Over the past 90 years, 42 17s have been built, originally in wood and later in fiberglass. Just under 25 inches in length, the 17 Square Meter sports the Class ensign — a red 17 in a square to indicate the vessels are a Square meter boat. 17s are a one-design sailing yacht with a sloop rig and spinnaker with a fixed keel with 850 pounds of cast iron or lead and a 1620-pound sailing displacement.
The boats still race on Walloon Lake, and are the only fleet in existence, thanks to Walloon Yacht Club and its members. The Walloon 17 Foundation helps protect, preserve and perpetuate the 17 Square Meter Class, including through design, the boats and sharing their unique history.
To learn more, visit walloon17foundation.org and walloonyachtclub.org.
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