MC2 by Quick Group: The ultimate stability one-stop shop…

MC2, brand of Quick Group, is presently the only marine hardware brand in the world to offer all three systems

Boat stabilisers are no longer viewed as maybes on optional extras lists. Vessels without them will not only be substantially more uncomfortable, but also a lot less attractive on the pre-owned market.
But which way to go? Gyros or fins? In general gyro-stabilisers work best reducing roll not only when a boat is at rest or at anchor, but also when underway. Fin-stabilisers tend to reduce roll best when a boat is underway, but can also help at anchor. And pitch, that other component of potential onboard discomfort, is tackled with trim tabs that can help either lift or depress bows during navigation. And the optimal solution can be to employ all three technologies to eliminate both roll and pitch.
MC2, brand of Quick Group, is presently the only marine hardware brand in the world to offer all three systems. It has its MC2 Quick Gyro range of stabilisers, its MC2 Viator fins, and its MC2 Intercepta X and IN trim tabs. When combined they can reduce 360-degree motion by more than 95%.
Gyro-stabilisers are one of the easiest systems for combatting roll, which is the motion that causes most discomfort for those aboard boats and yachts. They work by harnessing the unique characteristics of the gyroscope. At the heart of any gyro-stabiliser is a relatively heavy flywheel. Fast spinning masses resist any forces that try to alter their axes of rotation. When installed aboard a boat, they counter wave interference with an equal and opposite reaction, which serves to dampen that motion.
The great thing about gyro-stabilisers is that, although mechanically complicated inside, they are effectively simple boxes when it comes to installation. They just need to be bolted very securely to load-bearing structures. The forces they generate are substantial, so their location is important and they are relatively heavy, so, in order to keep centre of gravities low and not impact stability, they are usually positioned low down in hulls. They are typically bolted to the same grid or stringer systems that would carry engines or generators.
Spinning on horizontal axes with weight evenly distributed across their bearings, the MC2 Quick Gyro stabiliser portfolio takes in everything from small DC-powered units rated for torque between 2,000-13,000Nm. The bigger sizes run on AC power supplies and have torque ratings from 16,000-75,000Nm and 1.4-14kW of absorbed power. Using multiple units aboard means they can be used to stabilise boats as large as 250 tons.
MC2 Quick Gyros have remote control panels. These panels allow you to monitor rpms, precession releases and angles of inclination, as well as noting preferences, notifying when regular services are needed, or raise an alarm should part of the system fail for any reason.
There are lots of reasons why MC2 Quick Gyro stabilisers are the smart choice. They are compact, easy to install and, principally because they are not vacuum-sealed like some competitors, they can be maintained in situ aboard the boat. Some other brands’ products have to be removed for servicing or repairs and returned to the manufacturer, which is both time-consuming and very costly.
Moreover, MC2 Quick Gyros spin at slower rpms. They spool up on average within 15 minutes and the smaller ones even quicker and can reduce roll by as much as 95% on their own. Slower speeds also mean they generate less heat, which means they don’t need water pumps and seawater-cooling feeds, and they are extremely quiet.
The simplicity of gyro-stabilisers is their big advantage over the popular alternative, fin-stabilisers, which operate outside the hull by exerting roll-countering forces via fins to the water, but hence require hull penetrations and are ultimately vulnerable to damage.
Fins exert anti-roll forces outside of the boat by pushing against the water. The Quick Group’s MC2 Viator fins are all-electric, can rotate quickly as necessary through 3600 and have six modes of operation for ultimate performance.
One of the world’s leading marine equipment manufacturers, Quick Group has grown on its ability to constantly innovate and incorporate the latest technologies. It is based at its largest factory in Ravenna, but has three other production facilities elsewhere in Italy, as well as commercial and logistics offices in the USA and UK. Under the control of company founder and CEO Michele Marzucco, it has around 40,000m2 of facilities overall, more than 450 employees and is active in more than 110 countries globally.
Quick Group has been partnered since 2022 by investors Fondo Italiano d’Investimento SGR and Armònia SGR.
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This article MC2 by Quick Group: The ultimate stability one-stop shop… appeared first on Motor Boat & Yachting.