Follow These 10 Ice Fishing Safety Tips

“Once we have sustained cold weather to form good ice, ice fishing can be safe and a lot of fun,” said Vermont Fish & Wildlife Commissioner Louis Porter. “But when we go onto the ice, we need to use good judgment and observe several ice fishing safety precautions.”
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Ice Fishing Safety: Essential Tips & Gear
1. Leave your car on shore.
Every year several motor vehicles go through the ice on Vermont lakes, and some people have drowned as a result. Instead of driving your gear onto the ice, pack a utility sled with your ice fishing gear to make fewer trips to and from the parking lot.
2. Share your plans.
Leave information with a family member or friend including where you intend to fish and when you expect to return. Within range of cell-phone reception, you can even drop a pin to share where you parked or entered the ice in the event of an emergency.
3. Wear a personal flotation device and don’t fish alone.
In the event of an incident, an inflatable personal flotation device (PFD) will keep your head above water until help arrives—which is why you should always fish with a friend or group.

4. Always carry an ice spud or chisel.
Ice varies in thickness and condition. One side of the lake or pond may receive more direct sunlight, or vary in ice thickness due to changes in depth. As you proceed, use the ice spud or chisel to test the thickness of the ice, so you don’t have to. A few hard jabs of the chisel will reveal the thickness of the ice before you step.

5. Ice spikes are a must-have item.
Carry a set of ice picks to help you work your way out onto the surface of the ice if you go through. Holding one in each hand, you can alternately punch them into the ice and pull yourself up and out.

You can also make these at home, using large nails, or you can purchase them in an ice safety kit. Just be sure to wear your hand picks in an accessible location, or attach them to a lanyard.
6. Use extreme caution near moving water.
Be extremely cautious crossing ice near river mouths, points of land, bridges, islands, and over reefs and springs. Current almost always causes ice to be thinner over these areas.
7. Melted ice? Keep off.
Avoid going onto the ice if it has melted away from the shore. This indicates melting is already underway, and ice can shift position as wind direction changes.

8. Open water = pack it up.
If you can see open water in the lake and the wind picks up, get off as soon as possible. Waves from open water can quickly break up large areas of ice, putting anglers at risk in a matter of minutes.
9. Always carry a safety line.
A safety line or some sort of throw rope can be tossed to someone who has gone through the ice. They are an essential ice fishing safety item, especially if the person is not carrying ice spikes.

Scotty is a reliable manufacturer of outdoor and fishing safety equipment; their rescue throw bag features 50 feet of floating rope with a breaking strength of 550 pounds.
10. Heat your fishing hut with care.
Heated fishing shanties must have good ventilation to prevent deadly carbon monoxide poisoning. Open a window or the door part way to allow in fresh air.

And last, but certainly not least important of ice fishing safety: bring your fully-charged cell phone with you. Many of today’s smartphones allow you to contact emergency services or send an SOS signal with the click of a button.
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