Calling All New Jersey Anglers: Support Free Access to Beaches – On The Water

Calling All New Jersey Anglers: Support Free Access to Beaches – On The Water

Free Beach Access for New Jersey Surfers and Anglers

Bill A-8416 was introduced on September 19th and is currently sponsored by Assemblywoman Margie Donlon of District 11 (Monmouth).

The bill, if passed, “Prohibits the requirement for beach tags for surfers and fishermen for access to beach below mean high tide line”

In plain speech, this means that anglers and surfers would not need to pay for tags simply for the act of fishing off the beaches. It also clarifies the application of the public trust doctrine for surfers and anglers alike.

The bill itself can be found in its entirety at this link.

How to Voice Your Support

You can use this tool to look up your legislative district: Click Here

Call the offices of your district’s assembly members and ask them to:

1. Support passage of A-8416
2. To sign-on as a co-sponsor of the bill.

George Browne of the New Jersey Beach Buggy Association made an initial post this morning on the NJBBA Facebook page regarding A-8416:

Source: NJBBA Facebook Page

A similar call to arms by Scott Thomas from Grumpy’s Tackle was posted on their Instagram page earlier today. He explains a bit more what the bill intends to do and how you can voice your support.


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