Weekend At Ronnie’s Attracts 20 Skaters To The Lake Of The Ozarks

Weekend At Ronnie’s Attracts 20 Skaters To The Lake Of The Ozarks

With the Big Thunder Marine and Performance Boat Center fall boat shows in progress, the Lake of the Ozarks didn’t lack for worthwhile, open-to-the-public events this weekend. But on the private, invitational side, Weekend At Ronnie’s was a hit with some 20 Skater catamaran  owners who came from around the country to enjoy the Ron Szolack-produced happening.

Alabama’s Mike Goldbaugh enjoyed the first Weekend At Ronnie’s at the Lake of the Ozarks in his Skater 388. Photos by Jeff Helmkamp copyright Helmkamp Photos.

This was first the event, once called Skaterfest, that has been held at lake as Szolack has a home there. (He also has a place in Fort Lauderdale, Fla.) In another first, speedonthewater.com contributing photographer captured yesterday’s Skater catamaran action on the water.

“It’s been so much fun—everyone is loving it,” said Szolack. “And I’m really glad I pretty much had everything planned for yesterday because the weather was incredible.”

The docks at the Camden At The Lake Resort were well-stocked with Skater beauties.

A longtime participant in Szolack’s event, Chris LaMorte traveled from New Jersey to be there.

The Camden was a great location, both the boats and for all us to stay,” he said. “And as always, a great group of friends showed up. Ronnie is the best host there is.”

Yesterday’s fleet started from the Camden On The Lake Resort and headed to the ever-popular Cave Bar and Grill—where participant Steve Gordon picked up the lunch tab—followed by the Tap and Grill restaurant before returning to the Camden venue for dinner. Szolack praised both venues for accommodating his group.

Mike DiMichele brought his Skater from Michigan.

“They knew we were coming and we’re ready for us,” he said. “I could not have asked for a better service. Everyone had us covered.”

His first-time photographer, who rode in two 388 Skaters and one 412 during the day, agreed. “That was the best run I have ever been involved in from a boat—17 or so fast cats running 110- to-130-plus side by side safely,” said Helmkamp. “It was so much fun.

“Ron provided dinner for everyone, which was unbelievable,” he added. “Everyone posed for a group photo and then scattered to various other lake establishments.”

Jim Lee (left) and Ron Szolack—two of the recognized faces in the go-fast boating world.

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The post Weekend At Ronnie’s Attracts 20 Skaters To The Lake Of The Ozarks appeared first on Speed on the Water.

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