Bluefin Stampede Over Cape Cod Bunker Schools – On The Water

Bluefin Stampede Over Cape Cod Bunker Schools – On The Water

It began in May, with fishermen reporting big schools of Atlantic menhaden (a.k.a. bunker, a.k.a. pogies) in open water in Cape Cod Bay. The bunker settled in along the shorelines, and into Boston Harbor, where, for much of the summer, stripers grew fat and happy among their favorite big baitfish. Occasionally, anglers fishing among these bunker schools would hook a something much larger.

In recent years, according to stomach-sampling research by Dr. Walt Golet and his team at the Pelagic Fisheries Lab, giant bluefin have shifted their diet from being predominantly Atlantic herring, to being predominantly Atlantic menhaden. Watch our recent podcast with Dr. Walt below:

With such large concentrations of menhaden in Cape Cod Bay, it was only a matter of time before the bluefin found them. And the result has been spectacular. Over the last two weeks, captains have posted some incredible videos of 100-inch bluefin blasting bunker into the air as they feast on the hapless baitfish.

We’re lucky to have these massive tuna putting on such a show right here in our home waters of the Northeast.

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