Renaming a Boat: How to Hold a Boat Christening Ceremony

Renaming a Boat: How to Hold a Boat Christening Ceremony

Christening your new boat when she gets a new name has its pomp and circumstance, but it also has its superstitions.

Nautical ceremonies, whether a media grand occasion or enjoyed at your local marina, are long a tradition in admiralty. Beginning when yachting was a royal pastime, launching a new craft came with highly anticipated pageantry that demanded a full display both afloat and ashore. It is, in fact, one of the oldest maritime traditions. Not surprisingly, the ancient Greeks and Romans had elaborate boat christening rituals that were highly festive events with plenty of toasts, speeches, and prayers to the gods for safe passages.

Today, christenings have a fairly common set of standards with very little variation. Celebratory etiquette remains popular through christenings and launchings with accompanying fanfare both simple and elaborate. While many participants involved with pleasure craft launches and commissioning ceremonies have ditched the quasi-naval blue blazer (worn by the crewmembers of HMS Blazer long before becoming the preferred attire for yacht club officers), at least one’s best boat shoes are typically worn for this time-honored occasion. Besides it being fun, a ceremony dignifies your newly acquired vessel as officially becoming a part of the family and is an especially photogenic highpoint.

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Boat Christening Ceremony Superstitions

One of the biggest superstitions when christening a new name is the day the event occurs. Many seafarers did not perform the ceremony on certain days, usually for religious reasons, such as Fridays (the day Jesus was executed), when even the U.S. Coast Guard waits for a different day, the first Monday in April (the day Cain killed Abel), the second Monday in August (the day Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed), and December 31st (the day on which Judas Iscariot hanged himself). Thursdays are not favored either as, with Norse mythology, you don’t want to invite the wrath of Thor, the god of storms and thunder, to provoke bad weather. These days are also known to be bad luck for sailing.

Most everyone has heard how superstitious mariners have the line blurred between superstition and tradition, but whatever your belief, it is best to observe maritime custom insofar as is practical to ensure fair winds and weather and to forever “stave off bad luck.” It’s not necessary to crack a champagne bottle against the hull as pouring or spraying some is still considered official, so I’m told, and combining a launching and christening into one event for your invited guests remains within the limits of acceptable maritime procedure.

The Gathering

A large Boat christening ceremony - the Arizona Boat Launch

On the appointed day, gather all attendees at the location for the celebration. Traditionally, it is now time for the toast(s). There are several toasts recorded (and online), such as, “To the sea! To the Sailors of Old! To the Sea!” Others say a few words or recite a poem to bless the vessel and then break a bottle of champagne, the typical “christening fluid” because of its elegance, over the bow. Other liquids have been used as a suitable substitute, such as whiskey, brandy, wine, and even water. Many mariners then place a branch with green leaves on the deck, as it is thought to be a good omen and symbolizes a safe return from the maiden voyage; however, the branch must stay on deck for the entirety of the cruise. Nautical-themed gifts for the skipper/owner could also be presented at this time.

As mentioned, the history of christening a vessel dates back to the beginning of sea travel, and it is believed that the early ceremonies required the use of blood to christen a boat. The protocol became more civilized as more ships were placed into service, although one myth says it’s unlucky to start the fishing season without having first shed some blood in a fight or in an accident. It’s probably best to stick with the champagne.

To Rename or Not

According to legend, every vessel is recorded by name in the Ledger of the Deep and is known personally to Neptune, the god of the sea. There are those mariners from the earliest of times who say the unluckiest of ships are those that have defied nature and changed their names improperly. Thankfully, there is a way to change a name without upsetting the waterway deities by purging the old name from the aforementioned ledger and from Neptune’s memory.

First, the boat must be de-named by reciting these ceremonial words: In the name of all who have sailed aboard this boat in the past, and in the name of all who may sail aboard her in the future, we invoke the ancient gods of the wind and the water to favor us with their blessing today.

Mighty Neptune, king of all that moves in or on the water; and mighty Aeolus, guardian of the winds and all that blows before them: We offer you our thanks for the protection you have afforded this vessel in the past. (For a brand-new boat you are naming for the first time, it would apply to its sea trial). We voice our gratitude that she has always found shelter from tempest and storm and enjoyed safe passage to port.

Now wherefore we submit this supplication, that the name whereby this vessel known as (old vessel name) be struck and removed from your records. As proof thereof, we submit this ingot bearing her former name to be corrupted through your powers and forever be purged from Neptune’s log. (If having a tag with the boat’s original name, drop it from the bow into the water.) Further we ask that when she again is presented for blessing with another name, she shall be recognized and shall be accorded once again the privileges she previously enjoyed.

Now that you have de-named the vessel, pour champagne west to east on the bow; then from south to north saying: We implore you mighty rulers to grant this vessel (new name) your kindness according to her needs, and let it be recorded this date (date of ceremony), and forever more, this fine vessel is named (new vessel name).

Guests then raise a glass in a toast: To Neptune! May God bless her and all that sail in her.

-by Joan Wenner, J.D.

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